Female genitals

Aesthetic surgery of the female genitals is increasingly popular and in demand. If until a few years ago, interventions were rather rare and reserved for very specific problems, today there is a growing demand, aimed at improving and rejuvenating the female intimate anatomy. This is also confirmed by the recent birth of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology, an international scientific society that deals exclusively with this topic.

There are many techniques used to give new firmness and volume to the female genitals. The most effective one involves the use of engineered autologous adipose tissue. Thanks to the lipocondensation technique, it is possible to transform the adipose tissue into a natural and perfectly tolerated gel that keeps its shape and volumes unchanged over time.
With the insertion of the condensed adipose tissue, it is possible to intervene at the level of the mount of Venus, the large and small vulvar lips and also on the vaginal wall. The use of this technique allows you to restore volume and turgor to the female underwear by increasing the tone and elasticity of the vagina. It also helps to reposition the genital system upwards, helping to give a younger and more sensual appearance. This method also has another positive aspect: the fat is taken from those areas of the body where it is in excess, thus allowing any imperfections to be corrected at the same time.
Lipocondensation is always the preferred technique. Because it has lasting effects, in the face of minimally invasive interventions, which can be performed under local anaesthesia and in outpatient surgery, at extremely low costs. The exception can be represented by those particularly long-limbed patients and, in general, by all those cases in which the fat to be removed is not enough. The only alternative, in this case, is the use of other bio-compatible materials, such as high-density hyaluronic acid (Macrolane ™).
Even with this technique, the results are immediate. Unlike those that can be obtained with lipo-condensation, however, they are not long-lasting because the gel is slowly reabsorbed by the body. To maintain the aesthetic result obtained it is, therefore, necessary to carry out a periodic recall of the treatment, every 12-18 months.


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